Well, much time has passed - too much to try and rehash - since my last entry. I suppose this sort of opening line officially initiates me into the "blog-o-sphere" and is also an extension of a proclivity towards beginning projects that never really end. As this open journal has been helpful in the past my guess is that it will continue to be so. The funny thing about useful things is that one must actually use them from time to time - disuse tends to mitigate their beneficial nature.
Work continues to go well. I find that my facilities position is positively challenging and continually provides new avenues for learning. How much of this new learning will become permanent remains in question, but enough has stuck to keep me going. As summer camp is moving in full swing, mostly we attempt to keep up. Fix things that break, meet the regular needs of the facilities (garbage and recycling pick up, pool maintenance, et cetera), and keep our eyes open for other items that may arise is the order of the day.
However, I am most excited by the possibilities for projects and other fun things that come with the fall. The Outdoor Education season tends to leave a smaller, more easily managed, footprint on camp than the intensity of summer. Fewer staff and fewer programs leave room for improvements to be made around camp . There are several ideas that I would like to pursue, but these will have to await their proper time. In the Fall.
The time and mental space occupied by work is significant. I have always understood this to be the case, but am now acutely aware of this fact. In returning from the Philippines and beginning a job, basically right away, my priorities in both time and effort have changed dramatically. I go through bouts of guilt and confusion when considering the near complete drop in correspondence precipitated by coming to America. These are promptly forgotten when the next cool project enters my field of vision - and there are so many cool projects to do! The irony of the situation is that when I finally have access to resources that would allow me to undertake these projects, I am without the time to manage them. The task that seems to lie ahead is to bring these two worlds into harmony with one another: 1). meeting the needs of society by being a employed, solvent citizen, and 2). doing whatever I want, whenever I want, with the degree of enthusiasm I think appropriate. This may prove to be an interesting journey.